Tuesday, October 14, 2008

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Interesting Facts about Motorbiking

Submitted by stickystebee

The first motorbike was built in Germany in 1885 by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. It was called a Reitwagen (riding car) and it was the first gas powered vehicle, a precursor to the current day automobile. Since its conception the motorbike has become a great way of getting yourself into the Guinness Book of World Records. Below is a top ten list of current motorbike records holders:

1. The tallest motorbike in the Guinness Book of World Records was built and ridden by Gregory Dunham. It was over 11 feet from the ground to the handle bars. The tires alone were 6 feet tall and the entire bike weighed 2.94 tons.

2. Tom Wiberg of Hökerum, Sweden built the world’s smallest motorbike. The wheel base was 3.14 inches, and the seat was a mere 2.55 inches off the ground. This mini-motorbike can go a whopping 1.24 mph. Wiberg managed to ride the bike 32.8 feet.

3. The longest motorbike was built by Oleg Rogov in Tver, Russia on December 19, 2005. The motorbike was over 31 feet.

4. The longest motorbike ride through a tunnel of fire was made by Hou Jun in Changchun City, Jilin Province, China on July 19, 2007. The flaming tunnel was 178 ft. 10 inches.

5. Billy Baxter, who lost his eyesight while serving in Bosnia, set the record for blind solo land speed on a motorbike at 164.87 mph on August 2, 2003.

6. Hou Xiaobin of Binzhou City, China broke the record of the longest backward motorbike ride on October 4, 2006. Hou rode his motorbike backward 93.21 miles.

7. The largest motorbike pyramid was built in Jabalpur, India on July 5, 2001 by the Dare Devils Team of the Indian Army Signal Corps. The pyramid, consisting of 201 men balanced on 10 motorbikes traveled 424 feet.

8. Robbie Maddison broke the famous Eval Kneival’s record of longest motorbike jump in Las Vegas in January of 2008 by jumping his bike 277 feet.

9. Emilio Scotto made the longest motorbike journey, traveling a total of 500,000 over ten years. Emilio began mapping out his route when he was eight years old. He’s even written a book detailing his epic journey.

10. The largest parade of Harley Davidson motorbikes was conducted for charity in Denver, Colorado on December 8, 2002 and included 2,118 riders.

About the Author
If you are going to attempt to get you and your motorbike into the Guinness Book of World Records then make sure you have fully comprehensive motorbike insurance. Getting your motorbike insurance online could save enough to fill the tank up with petrol!!

Source: ArticleTrader.com

The Rising Popularity of The Online Casino

Submitted by stickystebee

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Online casinos have gained popularity in the past five years. Ever since poker became a sport that airs on major television networks, more and more people have begun to play at online casinos. The average American can’t play professional football, but being a professional gambler doesn’t seem too far out of their reach. The guy next door can’t throw the winning touchdown for the Bears, but he can win an online poker tournament! So where do they start? The average American doesn’t live within walking distance of a casino, but their computer is conveniently located in their own home.

Online casinos provide an easy way to jump into the world of professional gambling because the wannabe gambler doesn’t have to book an expensive vacation. Also, they can play for low stakes without risking all of their money. Basically, they can use their entertainment money and not have to get a second mortgage on the house. Online casinos also offer the advantage of anonymity. No one knows that you are a janitor by day and a gambler by night. Your fellow competitors in an online poker tournament don’t know you. So, more and more people are creating an online persona to match the person they want to be. You can upload a picture of anyone and become that person. It’s a very compelling game of pretend that has real money implications.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the skill to be a professional gambler. As easy as it looks on television, it isn’t simple. The same way that a professional baseball player has certain skills, a pro-poker player needs certain skills. Often, these skills don’t transfer to online play. Your ability to tell if your best friend is lying won’t work online because there are no non-verbal clues. You don’t have the advantage of reading body language, facial expressions or even the tone of someone’s voice. So, the player who has had luck in a neighborhood home game, might discover that they don’t do so well online. Online casinos are neither good nor bad. They are what they are. It’s the people that use them that endow them with good and bad qualities. A father who gambles away his daughter’s college tuition because he’s convinced he can win the World Series of Poker is more to blame than the casino.

About the Author
The online casino can’t take credit for the responsible bachelor who only plays for fun. Overall, online casinos have a place in today’s society. The popularity of poker and other games has insured that they will have a business for years to come.

Source: ArticleTrader.com

Selamat Malam

Bermula hanya dari browsing yang gak karuan, terus iseng2 kepengen punya blog sapa tau aja entar ada gunanya,,, he nasib ya?????
Jadi tepat jam 24.30 tanggal 13 oktober 2008 ini blog lahir dari dalam kamar gue dengan bantuan 1 unit laptop butut yang jarang banget gue pake karena emang gak bisa make laptop seh,,,
Mudah2an saja ini bukan hanya sekedar pelarian gue saja dari keseharian yang sudah benar2 boring banget dari rutinitas hidup yang mau gak mau harus gue jabanin... hix.. hix .... ( lho kok jadi curhat gene seh ) hehehe
ini sekedar hanya coba coba semata paling paliing juga entar gak ada yang baca...xixixi..